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There is no vs. seeker on sapphire pokemon. there is something on the pokenav called trainers eyes. trainers eyes = vs. seeker

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Q: Where do you find a vs seeker in emerald?
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Is there a vs seeker in emerald?

There Is No vs Seeker In Emerald. Although In Your Pokenav You Can See On Match Call Who Wants To Battle You If There Is A Pokeball Square Right By There Name.

Where do you find the VS seeker in Pokemon ruby?

There is no VS seeker in Ruby. You have a Trainer's Eye instead. VS seeker was introduced in Fire Red.

Where can you find the vs seeker in emerald?

its in your poketec just go to trainers eyes and pick the person you want to battle but the might not always say yes

Where do you find the vs seeker in Pokemon black?

there is none

Where is the vs seeker in Pokemon Yellow version i need it badly?

there is no vs. seeker in the originals there is no vs. seeker in the originals

Where is the vs seeker found in pokemon diamond?

You may need to find the vs. seeker in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum. You can get this item on route 207.

Where can you get a vs seeker in Pokemon Emerald?

you get it in Vermillion City's Pokemon Center. The girl wit the blue hair has it, okay?The girl with the blue hair in the Pokemon Center wiht the blue hair at Vermillion City gives you one.Go to Vermillion City .... In the pokemon centre there will be a woman standing next to the counter (next to where you would stand if you were to heal your pokemon) Talk to her and she'll give you the VS Seeker Hope i helped

Where is the vs seeker on Pokemon Emerald?

Well, i dont know. I just sent this to annoy you. sorry. it is trainers eyes if it has a pokeball that means they want to fight you so its just like a versus seeker

Where is the vs seeker in sapphire?

As far as i know, there isn't one in ruby/sapphire/emerald. The closest you can get is the match call function of your pokenav.

Where do you find the vs seeker in Pokemon soulsilver?

There is none in Soul Silver

Where can you find the vs seeker in the heart gold?

you can get it by giong to violet city

Where do you find vs seeker in Pokemon crystal?

there are none i'am sorry