There are plenty of berry trees around that contain them, but you can also try to steal them from a gym leader's main pokémon (using the move Thief on, for example, Crasher Wake's Floatzel) The Galactic Leaders also have these.
you get it from the berry master in route 123 you will find a house with berries all around it
the same place as in diamond.
just paste this question in google and u will find ur aswer
The moon stone is used in Pokemon Diamond to evolve certain Pokemon. You can find one by looking in the Underground.
the miracle berry is only available as a mystery gift item
you get it from the berry master in route 123 you will find a house with berries all around it
in diamond you can give them a certain berry and they will like you more (that is, if you can find the berry).
the same place as in diamond.
* Can be brought in Pokemon Battle Revolution for the Wii, for 19,800 Poke Coupons(I heard this is the only way to get them).
just paste this question in google and u will find ur aswer
you have to have a latias and a latios both at level 77 holding a sitrus berry then go to moss deep at the space station one of the people will say do you want to go to space?then say yes
You can find Pidey in a Pokemon Outbreak in Pokemon Diamond
1st catch shayman in Pokemon pearl or diamond them trade it 2nd go to floroma town and talk to a lady in front of the berry place
where do i find a totodile in Pokemon diamond/pearl on nintendods
You can not find or get manaphy on Pokemon diamond but you can by hacking, trading or... if you have Pokemon ranger you have to complete the manaphy mission and then you can put it onto diamond.
amity square in heart home city, berry master on route 208, berry plants, wild Pokemon holding them, lady inside flower shop in floaroma town, lady in small house in pastoria city near the pokemart, and Pokemon holding berries in trades
You can't find a Ho-ho in Pokemon Diamond. You have to migrate.