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It's in Solaceon Town. You have to talk to the boy's mother. She and her son live in one of the houses by the foresty part in the town.

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Q: Where do you find a seal case in Pokemon platinum?
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Where is the seal case in Pokemon Platinum?

in a house near the ruins

Where do you find the seal case in Pokemon soulsilver?

You can find the Seal Case by feeding the Miltank Oran Berries at Route 39

How do you get the sealcase in Pokemon platinum?

go to soleacon town.go to the house near the ruins.Talk to the woman and she will give you a seal case.

Where is the seal shop in Pokemon platinum?


How do you get ball capsules of in Pokemon platinum if you don't have seals?

You can't. Get a seal case from the little boy in the house by the solaceon ruins.

Where do you find the Seal case in Pokemon Pearl?

U get it at the right of solaceon

How do you can use seal case on battle in platinum?

You can't.

How do you get a seal on Pokemon platinum?

You can get seals from the Sunyshore City market.

How do you USE seal case in Pokemon platinum?

go to poke get on computer go to your box n it will say capsall you buy them at sunshore

Where do you get the seal case?

platinum, diamond ,and pearl are in scolaceon town

Pokemon how you find a seal case?

in Pokemon heartgold go north from olivine city you should see a farm go in it and feed miltank oran berries than talk to the girl on the right side she will give you a seal case.

Where do you get a seal case in Pokemon HeartGold?