Spearow evolves into Fearow at level 20. thanks I needed to know this for Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver because I have a Spearow
safari zone but if you have silver,gold,crystal,heart gold,or soul silver you get it in joto
You can't get it in the silver version only heart gold
No, it can only be found in heart gold.
In soul silver and heart gold you find it in euritik city in one of the houses
Spearow evolves into Fearow at level 20. thanks I needed to know this for Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver because I have a Spearow
safari zone but if you have silver,gold,crystal,heart gold,or soul silver you get it in joto
You can't get it in the silver version only heart gold
You get Groudon in Pokemon Heart Gold by trading with somebody who's found Groudon in Soul Silver. You can't find Groudon in Heart Gold, you find Kyogre. Soul Silver players find Groudon.
nowhere its only on heart gold
heart gold and soul silver
No, it can only be found in heart gold.
Soul Silver: route 36 Heart Gold: trade with Soul Silver
in heart gold and soul silver in kanto on route 7
No, it's soul silver exclusive.
I'm afraid you cant, only by pal park and trades with heart gold/ soul silver. there is only one in heart gold/ soul silver
you find them in kanto after beating the pokemon league in heart gold, soul silver, silver, gold, and crystal