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In the grass underneath Cycling Road, I think

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Q: Where do you find a Gulpin in Pokemon Platinum?
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How do you get gulpin in Pokemon platinum?

It is possible to get the Pokemon Gulpin in Pokemon Platinum version by going to the Great Marsh. Gulpin is a poison type of Pokemon.

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Where can you catch a Gulpin in Pokemon Platinum?

Mystery Zone

Where can you find gulpin in Pokemon platinum?

you need to go at great marsh look at the binoculars a lot of time and you see a gulpin! P.S it wiil run cuz its rare

What type of Pokemon is gulpin?

Gulpin is a Poison type pokemon.

Where can you find a Pokemon with yawn in Pokemon sapphire?

Slakoth - Petalburgwoods Gulpin - Route 110

Is gulpin real from Pokemon?

yes gulpin is real

What does gulpin evolve into in Pokemon emerald?

Gulpin evolves into Swaloti at level 26 in Pokemon emerald

How do you get gulpin in pokemon diamond?

In Pokémon Diamond, you can find Gulpin as 1 of the Pokémon available in the Great Marsh Safari Zone which is located in Pastoria City.

Where do you get gulpin in Pokemon Ranger?

i don't think gulpin IS in Pokemon ranger 1 0r 2. sorry!

Pokemon Pearl gulpin?

you can find one in pastoria city's great marsh but its very rare so check the marsh every day and you may find a gulpin. Hope i helped!

Where is the gulpin link shop on Pokemon Blue rescue team?

The gulpin link shop is at the southeast of Pokemon square.