You can find lugia after beating the elite 4 and ther will be a guard in front of it and will say:U CAN NOT GO IN HERE B-CUZ THERE R SPOOKY POKEMON IN THERE DONT GO.BUT IF U BEAT THE ELIT 4 HE WILL LET U GO AND HERES A TIP:CATCH LUGIA WITH A DUSK BALL
Lugia isn't available in Pokemon Emerald, it is available in other versions such as Soul Silver, Gold, Silver, Crystal, FireRed and LeafGreen.
you have to use hm rock smash on rocks to find them.
yes. After you get the silver feather for Lugia and rainbow wing for Ho-oh. in Soul-Silver you find Lugia first and in heart gold you find Ho-Oh first. You cannot get BOTH Kyogre and Groudon though.
You can find raikou, entei and suicune there but you can also find lugia and ho-oh. If you are lucky you may even find celebi or mew...
you find him in the ruins of alph by weeds and you can find smeargle on there same thing on Pokemon heart gold (natu evolves at level 25)(smeargle no evolvetion)
in Whirlpool island
If you are on the right island you will find lugia
At the bottom of the Whirl Islands.
you cant you can only find Johtos Lugia. you need heart gold ton find ho-oh i did. so you can too.
In heart gold lugia is in the first whirl island but to get to her you will have to find the silver wing.The silver wing is it an old man that is close to pokemart.
Lugia will be in Whirl Islands. You will need to get the Silver Wing from the old man in Pewter City before you can encounter Lugia, however.
Lugia isn't available in Pokemon Emerald, it is available in other versions such as Soul Silver, Gold, Silver, Crystal, FireRed and LeafGreen.
You can get Lugia through migrating it from the Generation III games to the Pal Park or trade with someone who has Soul Silver or Heart Gold.
Go to and find the Heart Gold and Soul silver icon. Click it and it will show you a list of Pokemon you only get exclusively on that game for example, but not limeted to Pokemon soul silver vulplix Pokemon heart gold grouthile It shows other stuff but find out yourself Excuse the spelling error nvm i went to bulbapedia and i already looked at there list plus i found out the guy in gold is also in silver and i can get lugia in gold plus gold has better Pokemon so ill get that
go to whirl islands and find lugia deep inside
If you are talking about luigi, you can only find him in Mario games. i don't know where lugia is though. you cant catch him in Pokemon pearl trade from heart gold or soul silver or use action replay
In Pokemon Heartgold, Lugia can be found at the top-right island of the Whirl Islands Area. It's at Lv. 70 so prepare.