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Use Rock Smash in either Dark Cave (only in some parts will you find it), or the beach west of Olivine City. Rock Smash can be taught via a TM found by talking to a guy west of Violet City.

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Q: Where do you find Krabby in Pokemon Gold?
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How do you find krabby in Pokemon FireRed?

You can find Krabby in Route 12 and Route 13by using the Super Rod or Good rod.

In Pokemon diamond do you have to fish to get Krabby?

You do not have to fish to get Krabby in Pokemon Diamond. However you do need the National Pokedex to make Krabby swarms appear.

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What does krabby evolve into in Pokemon?

Krabby evolves into Kingler, starting at level 28.

Can krabby learn surf on Pokemon LeafGreen?

Yes, Krabby is able to learn Surf. After all, it is a Water-type Pokemon.

Pokemon Gold where to get good rod?

Somewhere in olivine city either in the Pokemon center or near the person who wants to trade you a voltorb for your krabby which can be caught using the good rod.

Where to catch krabby in pokemon firered?

You can't catch krabby in fire red. Krabby is only present in Leaf Green, so you have to trade.

What is the national pokedex number for Krabby?

Krabby is #98 in the national pokedex, and it is a Water type Pokemon.

On Pokemon leaf green what level does krabby evolve?

Krabby will evolve into Kingler at level 28.

When krabby evolve in Pokemon battle arena?


When does krabby evolve on Pokemon diamond?

Krabby evolves at Level 28 in Pokémon Diamond.