You eather evolve it from charmeleon or trade it from another 3rd gen game.
you can only get charizard through the pal park if you migrate a charizard from a gba game that has charizard on it
You can't. Trade or link
CHARIZARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! charizard is an amazing pokemon. hehehe.
No Charizard is the final evolution of Charmander Charmander-----Charmeleon------Charizard
Yes, breed a male and female Charizard, or breed a female Charizard with a Ditto. Yes, breed a male and female Charizard, or breed a female Charizard with a Ditto.
You cannot find Charizard. You must trade a Charizard from Pokemon Red, Blue or Yellow to Silver.
you can only get charizard through the pal park if you migrate a charizard from a gba game that has charizard on it
Charizard cannot learn eruption.
super smash flash 2 if you can find a pokeball then you can find charizard or another pokemon
You can't find Charizard in Pokemon Crystal. You have to trade it from Pokemon Red, Blue, or Yellow.
When you finish the whole game you'll find Charizard inside the Volcano.
evolve charmeleon
No, you cannot find a Charizard in Pokémon Platinum, in order to get a Charizard in Platinum, you would have to trade for it or migrate it from a Gameboy Advanced game.
Only if you migrate it
In the Pokemon game you go where the charizards are and the you get in battle with it and you glitch the game,then you go out of the battle and the charizard turns black.
you get it (the charizard) when you finish the game and go to the deepest part of the volcano where Heatran is and you'll find it in the road
Only by choosing charmander as your starter