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First you go through the the butt cheeks then through the tight spincter than through the rectum as deep as you want to

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Q: Where do you find Aeros body parts on fossil fighters champions?
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Where are of body parts of vivasaurs in fossil fighters?

Vivasaurs in fossil fighters are broken down into four parts. A player must find the head, legs, arms and body to complete the fossil and revive the vivasaurs.

How do you get skills in fossil fighters?

You need to have lots of fossil parts ( Head, Arms, Legs and Body ) and clean them WELL, fight many fossil fighters and you'll have lots of skill in no time! (Rank up !) DONE!!!

Where do you find all the parts of megalo in fossil fighters?

just dig where you found its head at

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The Guan Fossil rock for all the parts- Head, Body, Arms, and Legs- is in Mt. Lavaflow.

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You get him at greenhorn plains.(If wanting all body parts,you must buy fossil chips at the store.)

How do your vivosaurs learn skills in fossil fighters?

just find new fossil parts like legs, body, or arms then a new skill will be available to find new parts you'll need fossil chips buy them in the store

How do you beat Nevada in fossil fighters?

i used spinax,s-raptor,and venator level 9 with all body parts

How do you get different body parts in fossil fighters?

The heads are always available at the start, as well as one additional part (so you can find 2 kinds of parts at first). Getting a fossil chip lets you find another kind of part, including the first 2, and getting the 2nd fossil chip makes all 4 parts available to find.

Where do you find a f- raptors head on the game fossil fighters?

it is a donation fossil. where kln33 is, the girl behind the desk gives you fossils for donation points you earn. his body parts are 75 dp

How do i make dynal learn admiter beam in fassil fiters?

First of all it's Fossil Fighters. You have to collect all its parts: head, body legs and arms.

The fossil fighters game were can you find a t-rex?

you can get t rex parts in parchment desert after beat the game but you need the fourth oasis ( the last ) to obtain but is very difficult, I had only the arms and the legs, I obtain the legs as first fossil in the game.

Where is S-raptor arms in fossil fighters?

S-Raptor's arms are in Knotwood Forest, like all the other S-Raptor parts. If you can't find them now, it means you need to get a Fossil Chip upgrade or 2 from the shop in the Guild Area.