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you go to the extras menu and then you go to cheats hope this helped :)

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Q: Where do you enter cheats in Star Wars clone Wars Lightsaber Duels?
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enter lightsaber. its great :] enter lightsaber. its great :]

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It is "heshotfirst", and yes it goes togheter to enter cheats in clone wars beta just press enter while playing nd enter the cheat, then press enter again

How do you put in cheats in Lego Star Wars 3 the clone wars wii?

Press enter type the cheat and press enter again

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buy an action replay and your problems will be solved!

Where do you enter cheats for Star Wars force unleashed?

Beat Master Rahm Kota (if you haven't already), go to the Rouge Shadow, go to Extras, then Cheat Codes then enter "Cortosis", "Vergence", "Lightsaber", "Countdooku", "Speeder", and "Katarn".

Where do you put in cheats in Lego Star Wars 3 the clone wars?

Go To Extras and go inter the codes in were it says Enter Secret code AND DONE

Where do you put in the cheats for star wars Lego the clone wars?

Pause the game, select EXTRAS and the at the top of that list the will be an option to ENTER CODE HERE. hope this helps!

Do you press enter when you do the cheats?

After you type in the cheats yes you do press enter.

How do you enter cheats from the web directly to your Nintendo ds?

how do you enter cheats on ds

How do you enter the cheats in the game enter the matrix?

On the game there is something called hacking go on it and enter the cheats

Where do you enter Lego Star Wars 3 beta cheats?

I suggest doing what I do to look for codes: Google search. For example, if you have the game on the Wii platform, I suggest you type something like "cheats for Lego star wars 3 the clone wars for the wii." From what I've experienced, codes can sometimes be different depending on which platform the game is played for

What are all the cheat codes for Star Wars the force unleashed?

to get max force power level enter:katarn enter jocasta to get all force talents maxed enter sohndann to get all costumes enter moldycrow to get all combo forces unlocked and maxed good luck (i erased a lot because i improved the cheats to make it more easy to get costumes and i erased the fake shit on here so ur welcome) enter freedon to unlock a new combo enter marajade to unlock another new combo to get an even stronger lightsaber first enter lightsaber then enter countdooku (seperate codes) ur welcome