After you catch, hatch, or receive a Pokemon as a in-game gift, you'll be asked if you want to nickname the Pokemon. You can also nickname a Pokemon by going to the Name Rater; where it is depends on the game you're playing.
after you catch your Pokemon your given the option 2 nickname it by saying YES OR NO..VERONICA
You Can Go By The Pokemon Name Rater
I think the only Pokemon games......are Sapphire Ruby Emerald Pearl Diamond Firered Leafgreen Red Blue Yellow Gold Silver Plantnum HeartGold SoulSilver Pokemon Dungen Explorers Of Time and Darkness Here are fake Pokemon games! Pokemon Green Pokemon Moon RPG Pokemon RPG Predictions I made PokemonKart Nickname-PokeKart WF Connection PokemonRanch Nickname-PokeRanch WF Connection Pikachu and Torchic's Adventure No Nickname GrassGreen No Nickname WaterBlue No Nickname PokePC Nickname-Pokemon PC Battles WFC Chikarita's PokeParty No Nickname PokemonSega Nickname-PokeSega Gangsta Pokemon No Nickname Those are my Predictions Gangsta Pokemon won't be out until I turn into a Adult Im 9 so like 20 Years from now Ill try making those Pokegames No more Pokemon games in English! But if so ill Remake it so wait.
the name rater or "nickname man" is in lavender town.
Go to the house next to the Poke Mart in Eterna City. Talk to the old man and he will change your pokemon's nickname. Sadly, you cannot change the name of trade pokemon.
when you first catch a Pokemon you can give it a nickname but if you want to change its nickname then you need to go to slateport city and talk to the nickname rater (he will change the name of any of you Pokemon that are in your party)
after you catch your Pokemon your given the option 2 nickname it by saying YES OR NO..VERONICA
You Can Go By The Pokemon Name Rater
not unless you nickname a Pokemon pinky
you can nickname your Pokemon in eterna city, located in a house on the right side of the pokemart, when you enter you'll find an old man
I think the only Pokemon games......are Sapphire Ruby Emerald Pearl Diamond Firered Leafgreen Red Blue Yellow Gold Silver Plantnum HeartGold SoulSilver Pokemon Dungen Explorers Of Time and Darkness Here are fake Pokemon games! Pokemon Green Pokemon Moon RPG Pokemon RPG Predictions I made PokemonKart Nickname-PokeKart WF Connection PokemonRanch Nickname-PokeRanch WF Connection Pikachu and Torchic's Adventure No Nickname GrassGreen No Nickname WaterBlue No Nickname PokePC Nickname-Pokemon PC Battles WFC Chikarita's PokeParty No Nickname PokemonSega Nickname-PokeSega Gangsta Pokemon No Nickname Those are my Predictions Gangsta Pokemon won't be out until I turn into a Adult Im 9 so like 20 Years from now Ill try making those Pokegames No more Pokemon games in English! But if so ill Remake it so wait.
you don't need a code to nickname pokemon they ask you that when you catch them
You cannot change a pokemon's nickname
the name rater or "nickname man" is in lavender town.
A Pokemon egg have no name, but when the egg hatches you can give the Pokemon a nickname.
Go to the house next to the Poke Mart in Eterna City. Talk to the old man and he will change your pokemon's nickname. Sadly, you cannot change the name of trade pokemon.