If you go to the west of Falador, you will see an icon on the World Map which shows Makeover Mage (alternativley, you could just search for the Makeover Mage on the world map and press enter). For a small fee of 3k, she allows you to change your skin color and/or change your gender.
changing the color of your house is not a option. its a drag i know.
you may not change the color. but you may buy one that is randome in color .(note).you must release your old labrador or put it in your house
No you can't.
o to the stoe o cosmetics and underneath your pron it says skin color
Sometimes there is a shop or a person who can change your skin color. If not you can probably change it in your profile.
I think you have to go to that women in varrok that lets you change your clothes for 1000gp
You can only change to certain shades of colours, like skin, brown, black, white but not green or blue.
changing the color of your house is not a option. its a drag i know.
A Chamelion changes it's skin color to show how it is feeling
you may not change the color. but you may buy one that is randome in color .(note).you must release your old labrador or put it in your house
this is not working i cant change my color !!!!!!!!!!
The only way to change skin color is through tattooing. OK, but please see discussion area.
No. Your skin will in fact be healthy.