Buizel is located in lot's of area's such as the Safari zone Route's 6, 10, 21, 22, 27 and 28.
you can catch buizel by going to the safari zone but before you need the national dex before that and must have caught ho-oh,lugia and mewtwo.
Episode 13 after she catches buneary
You have to get a national pokedex then on Wednesday or thurday (I can't remember one day is hoenn and the other sinnoh) and tune on the radio channel Pokemon music then go into grass at the route north of goldenrod city a catch it there. (You must go to the route first then tune in to the radio channel)
You can't catch Skitty in Pokémon HeartGold or Pokémon SoulSilver but you can catch it in the Hoenn Field in the PokéWalker device and then transfer it over into HeartGold or SoulSilver.poke walker .
No but buizel evolves at level 26 with no stone or anything. But if u r looking for a buizelu can catch one on route 205,213,224, and valley windworks
you can catch buizel by going to the safari zone but before you need the national dex before that and must have caught ho-oh,lugia and mewtwo.
level 32
Ash never caught Buizel. Dawn caught it but she traded her Buizel for his Aipom.
First to catch the Pokemon Buizel (diamond/pearl) be in floroma town. Next walk to route 205 (use map). That's where buizel is found.
On Route 213
You cannot catch a Buizel in HG/SS because it is only found in the Sinnoh region.
safari zone
Buizel is a Pokemon only found in the Sinnoh region, Pokemon Soul silver is in Johto. The only way to get a Buizel is to catch one in Diamond or Pearl and trade it.
You can't. Buizel wasn't introduced until the 4th generation (Diamond/Pearl/Platinum) games.
You can't catch Rotom in heartgold.
Episode 13 after she catches buneary