If you dig in the underground, you can find an item called old amber, a fossil of sorts...
bring this to oreburgh city, (north of city, in museum). give to guy at counter, go out and come back in straight away, and voila!
You can't catch Aerodactyl you have to get its fossil at the Pewter City Museum (it's called Old Amber) then bring that fossil to Cinnabar Island where they'll give you the Aerodactyl.
Im pretty sure you dont catch aerodactyl in heartgold but I think you can get him as a fossil, if you do, talk to the guy in the pewter city mueseum and he will turn it into aerodactyl for you.
The only way to catch Aerodactyl in Pokémon Platinum is by going underground, digging for an Old Amber and grabbing it and then taking it to the Museum in Oreburgh City so a person there can restore it into an Aerodactyl.
Actually, you can catch Aerodactyl in the wild in Route 111 and Mirage Tower. It is a wild encounter, it is not in fossil form, it is in the wild.
you get aerodactyl in a trade first you have to catch chansey and it can be found in route 14 once you get it in route 14 you will see a woman in the bushes walking around go to her and trade her a chansey
You may want to get an Aerodactyl in Pokémon Pearl version. To do so, you have to revive the old amber item.
You can't catch Aerodactyl you have to get its fossil at the Pewter City Museum (it's called Old Amber) then bring that fossil to Cinnabar Island where they'll give you the Aerodactyl.
Im pretty sure you dont catch aerodactyl in heartgold but I think you can get him as a fossil, if you do, talk to the guy in the pewter city mueseum and he will turn it into aerodactyl for you.
you have to catch it with a master ball or it will kill you
The only way to catch Aerodactyl in Pokémon Platinum is by going underground, digging for an Old Amber and grabbing it and then taking it to the Museum in Oreburgh City so a person there can restore it into an Aerodactyl.
No, but you can trade from firered/leafgreen.
Actually, you can catch Aerodactyl in the wild in Route 111 and Mirage Tower. It is a wild encounter, it is not in fossil form, it is in the wild.
You'll have to revive it from an Old Amber.
You have to revive the Old Amber found in the Underground.
it is the old amber, look under ground.
you can get aerodactyl once you get the national dex and beat the Pokemon league. just go mining once you have done those and you should come up with different fossils. One of them should be the aerodactyl fossil. I forget which one it was but i't's there