only outside mount silver at night. im trying to get it for the pokemon league but you and me'll have to defeat dem first. sozzy! dat woz ALL I COOD FIND!
sneasel can be found in leafgreen at icefall cave on four island, gligar can be found in the johto area of the safari zone in Pokemon emerald.
you catch it at night
you have to catch a sneasel
You have to go to Snowpoint City and run around in the grass and Sneasel will pop up Sneasel is common in that area and you can evolve it by using razor claw Enjoy =]
You can catch Seviper in the Marshland area of the Johto Safari Zone.
There is no specific time that you catch sneasel. Sneasel will appear randomly in the cave.
Yes. Sneasel is found in Icefall cave.
Yes there is even some johto Pokemon in there which are swinub, delibird(firered only), sneasel(leafgreen only) and many more water type Pokemon.
sneasel can be found in leafgreen at icefall cave on four island, gligar can be found in the johto area of the safari zone in Pokemon emerald.
if you catch a sneasel, it will be holding it.
You can catch a sneasle at Acuity Lakefront and route 217
you catch it at night
you have to catch a sneasel
Sneasel is at icefall cave on 4 island but it's extremely rare.
You can't. You have to evolve sneasel.
No, but you can catch some Johto Pokemon on the Sevii Islands.
no you cant unless you have an action replay to catch trainers Pokemon but other then that you cant catch johto starters in the wild