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To find nidoran use a poke radar on route 201, you can find both male and female there, this works for diamond and pearl. (PLEASE NOTE ONLY WORKS AFTER NATIONAL POKEDEX).hop this helped :)!

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Q: Where do you catch a nidoran in Pokemon pearl?
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Nidoran Female will evolve into Nidorina once it's at Level 16.

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because you already have one

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You can't do it quickly or with a master ball

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You can catch a nidaran by using a pokeraddar on route 201.

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Catch a Nidoran M or a Nidorino. If a Nidoran M evolve it into a Nidorino , which will evolve into a Nidoking when a moonstone is used on it.

Where do you catch a Nidoran in Pokemon FireRed?

You can find Nidoran in route 3 (sometimes even Nidorino\Nidorina) and the Safari Zone in Fuchia city.

Is Pokemon Pearl better the diamond?

neither of them is better, they are both the same, but in diamond, you catch dialga, and in pearl, you catch palkia, and you can catch different Pokemon in each game for example: you can catch this Pokemon in diamond, but not pearl but: you can catch this different Pokemon in pearl, but not diamond