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You can trade a Cincinno in Undella Town for a Munchlax. You could use a Shiny Stone to evolve a Mincinno, or find a Cincinno in the shaking grass on Route 9 (This takes a lot of time and luck). Then you can evolve Munchlax when it has high happiness (or friendship, whatever you want to call it.)

This Munchlax holds Leftovers, a very useful held item.

This trade can only be done in June, October, or February. I'm not sure if resetting the DS's internal clock would work.

You could also transfer it from an older game, if you have two DS's or a friend who is willing to let you borrow theirs.

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Q: Where do you catch Snorlax in Pokemon black?
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in order to get a snorlax you need to get a pokeflute from the Pokemon tower with oll the dead Pokemon in it.{in lavender tower}.then you can go get a will get on your nerves with its rest attack.hope this helped

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