trade it from Pokemon platinum, dimond, or pearl. or you get ine by event on some time in 2010
No. You can only catch Rotom once.
There is no specific ball needed to catch Rotom, use whichever ball you want.
on fridays
In Pokemon heart gold Cubone is found in Rock Tunnel and Safari Zone
You cannot catch Rotom in HeartGold or SoulSiver, you must trade it from a Diamond, Pearl or Platinum game. PS. If you put Rotom at the front of your party, you can go to the basement of Silph Co in Saffron City. If you examine the items, Rotom will change form.
Rotom is not obtainable in heartgold and soulsilver. You have to trade it from Pokemon diamond, pearl, or platinum.theres no rotom on heart gold or soul silver i believeto get one though, trade your friends or use the GTS etc..No, you'll have to trade with the Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum version.
Rotom is not catchable by standard means in HG/SS. You must import a rotom from D/P/P.
u can't.u have to trade from diamond/pearl/platinum.
You can't catch Rotom in heartgold.
You get Rotom through a WiFi event, though i don't know when. Proof that it is a WiFi event is that there is a Japanese picture of the WiFi card with Rotom in the corner of the card.
No. You can only catch Rotom once.
To receive Rotom on Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver you must trade it from Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum.
it is where u change rotom forms go to it with rotom in front and he will fix it. that's all snorlaxman:)
Get Rotom and walk up to the elevator. You will walk in and Rotom will get it working again. the second floor has the five electrical appliances that Rotom can turn into.
Have Rotom in ur team there can be other Pokemon in there but have Rotom behind u
you can catch rotom next to the old cheatu on route 205
You can't get rotom in heart gold or soul silver as far as i know... you'll have to get it in a trade from a friend or in the global terminal.The duma$$ who rote the last one was wrong! You can't get Rotom, you have to trade! :)