Adam Sandlers face with devil horns, elephant ears, and a divers nose. with a parachute from a hot air balloon piloted by will smith.
a rhino
kill things like goblins or jsut buy it
Eland. They are the world's largest antelope and have long curved horns Eland. They are the world's largest antelope and have long curved horns
bull bull moose
Well if its a refill no you cant refill the can but you can easily buy another in stores...
Yes. You'll have to buy one of those naval air horns to make yourself heard.
It's Helium.
Air horns typically require a minimum of 60-120 PSI (pounds per square inch) of air pressure to produce a loud sound. The exact amount can vary depending on the specific air horn model.
You can't buy the entire outfits or horns from anywhere.
Low tone air horns penetrate better through windows, fog etc. High tones are very noticeable but do not travel or penetrate well.
Dicks Sporting Goods Store
Yes, as long as it does not become involved in noise complaints.
You can install car air horns by opening the hood of the vehicle and choose the best place to position it, use self tapping screws to mount the horn, place the compressor to the tubing and test the horn.
the horns are located in the engine compartment behind the air filter
most semi's have air horns so yes it is possible