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Every once in a while, the TV will be in the member furniture catalog. But right now, in the December catalog, it is not there. And to be honest, I wanted one, too!

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Q: Where do you buy TV's on Club Penguin?
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In club penguin why cant you buy a tv?

You can but you need to be a member

Where do you buy a tv on club penguin?

look through the catalogue

How do you buy a tv on Club Penguin?

Many times when you buy an item out of the better igloos catalog its a secret item on an object

How do you get a tv in Club Penguin?

If you are a member in club penguin you will be able to buy a T.V From the "Better Igloos Catalog" you can See this catalog if you Edit your Igloo. This Catalog Changes Frequantly, But usually still has a T.V in It.

Where do you buy the TV on Club Penguin?

th t.v is hidden in the catelog but i don't know where it is sorry. Pie0003

Where is the TVs in club penguin mission 8?

Go on Internet and search TVs in club penguin mission 8.

How do you get free LCD TVs on Club Penguin?

Buy one and use it and then click on it again and it will go into minus but you can still use it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How do you by a tv on Club Penguin?

If you are a member go to your igloo, click "Edit Igloo", then click on the Better Igloos catalog and if there is a TV in the catalog you can buy it.

Where do you get TVs in the game Club Penguin?

TVs are sometimes in the furniture catalog, but they are not always there, they will be back eventually. You must be a member to buy furniture or clothes.

How do you get a telly on Club Penguin?

If you have a membership that is currently activated on Club Penguin,to get a television you must wait until one is featured in the igloo's Furniture Catalogue.You have to have enough coins to get it,which is usually 1,000.You can buy it and then look in your storage box.Put the television in your igloo and-Voila!You have a spectacularifous igloo!

Were can you buy the tv in Club Penguin?

You used to be able to buy them in the furniture catalog. (There is a wall TV for 2500 coins and a big screen TV for 5000 coins.) You can't buy them anymore. They'll come back later.

Where do you get TVs on Club Penguin?

TVs are in the furniture catalog in your igloo. They might not always be there but they will come back eventually. You must be a member to buy furniture or clothes.