you cant you can only get it in fire red sorry go and get fire red if you want arbok
in leaf green you cant find ekans, arbok, oddish, gloom, vileplume, psyduck, golduck, growlithe, arcanine, shellder, cloyster, scyther, and electobuzz but you can trade them from fire red.
spell arbok backwards and it spells kobra that's what arbok is do the same with ekans and obviously you will find its a snake
Arbok can be found in the Great Marsh. Make sure you have a Pokemon Fire Red game inserted as well.
arbok doesn't evolve.
You can find an Arbok in route 3,4,26,27
in leaf green you cant find ekans, arbok, oddish, gloom, vileplume, psyduck, golduck, growlithe, arcanine, shellder, cloyster, scyther, and electobuzz but you can trade them from fire red.
spell arbok backwards and it spells kobra that's what arbok is do the same with ekans and obviously you will find its a snake
the most usall Pokemon to learn slude bomb are Poison type Pokemons or buy the HM or TM at a store (grimer, muk, arbok, Golbat,)
Arbok is #24 in the national pokedex, and it is a Poison type Pokemon.
She captured it since it was an Ekans. The, it evolved into an Arbok, and later it evolved into a Seviper.
The first Pokemon were Aggron and Arbok.
Arbok is a fully-evolved Pokemon, thus it cannot evolve into any other Pokemon at all. Hope that this helps.
Arbok can be found in the Great Marsh. Make sure you have a Pokemon Fire Red game inserted as well.