For HorseIsle, its on the first section of the bridge on the west side. Dig/Rake and you have a smelly yellow wool hat. *mutters* she could've at least gotten a hot pink one . . . IceStallion from Dun Server my trademark ==> (//.^) {BEHOLD . . . the EMO KID!!}
you go to the gift shop an then go on the catolog and you will find the green hard hat
Its behind the bush near the one guy with the hat.
you look all around the place that you lost it and if you dont find it pray everyday and then you will find it
Hatzz.Net is the largest website for hats and hat reviews. if your looking for a dope hat. head on over to
Her hat is on the first spot on the west on the brige to snowball island. you need to rake to get it.
im sorry i dont know thats why im asking you
One can find a "Cat in the Hat" hat online in costume selling stores. In addition, one can find a "Cat in the Hat" hat online in stores such as Amazon or eBay.
The Skull Kid is a character from the Zelda video game universe. It is what happens to a child after they become lost in the 'Lost Woods'. They wear a red cloak and hat.
go to the exact same level you lost it wether a monkey took it, a bird took it or it got blown off you have to go to the same level. I think it has to be level not a world but I dont know. and go to the same place you lost it and it will be there. Unless you got it blown into the igloo the a snowman will be wearing it.
his hat
A hat store?
flat hat
His name is Camilero... I would love to find more on him but as yet haven't found much...
The Flyers lost to the Blackhawks in the Stanley Cup Finals, so probably in a third world country, lol.
jacket, hat, gloves, lunch box, book, glasses, shoes - Family Feud answers