Go to build mode, A blue script of a house should come up. Click on the door and choose between a lot of doors:)
No you cannot buy a gun on The Sims 3.
You can buy the nude mod or you can find it in the sims 3 exchange.
you can buy a cake and then use it
buy it
No you cannot buy a gun on The Sims 3.
you can buy the sims 3 at walmart or target in bellevue, ne
well you have to buy it on The Sims 3 store OR you can find them with the sims 3 ambitions because it comes with it.
yes ! or you have to download the sims 3 first and then the sims 3 pets
buy an 'archway' which is found in the "doors" section.
Download them from the Sims 3 Exchange. OR Buy them from the Sims 3 Store.
The Sims game you can buy an elevator in is The Sims 3. To buy an elevator in Sims 3, you have to go to the building section, where you can also purchase stairs and other construction elements.
You can buy Sims 3 at any video game store or electronics store.
No, you have to buy the SIMS 3 PETS for the pets
You can buy the nude mod or you can find it in the sims 3 exchange.
You can buy The Sims 3 Showtime through Origin, Amazon or your nearby game shop.
The Sims 3 is already in stores today! It has been out for a while.