Well you can go to the website "areyousnarterthana5thgrader.com" and you can look on there. You can register -basketballgirl4463
The Lyrics are: Are you smarter than a fifth grader? 'Cause there's gonna be a test later Teacher Teacher now we're back in school, are you smarter than you used to be? Are you smarter than a fifth grader? Grab a pencil and a piece of paper Teacher Teacher now we're back in school, so are you smart enough for the fifth grade?
To begin, 10 categories are shown; 2 of them are 1st grade level questions, 2 of them are 2nd grade level questions, and so on all the way to 5th grade. The contestant must pick a category and answer the corresponding question. For example, "What is wrong with this sentence - John bake many cookies." would be a 2nd grade grammar question. The contestant must give a correct response and 'lock it in' by pushing a button on his/her 'podium.' Each question has a monetary value, as follows:$1,000$2,000$5,000$10,000$25,000$50,000$100,000$175,000$300,000$500,000Every 2 questions, the contestant must pick 1 of the 5 'students' in case the contestant needs help. The students, one of which will be at a smaller podium, must write down their answer, and in the case of the student at the podium, lock it in. The contestant may 'peek' at the student's answer, and he/she may 'copy' their answer and lock that in. If a contestant answers a question incorrectly, he/she will drop to either $0 or $25,000 (depending on how far they are) unless the student has it right, in which case they will be 'saved.' The 'cheats' may only be used once and only once.At any point, the contestant may 'drop out' of school and walk away. If a contestant answers incorrectly, they are said to have 'flunked out' of school. If any of these happen, the contestant must say in front of the camera, "I am not smarter than a 5th grader."The only case in which the contestant can not say that is if they win the top prize of $1,000,000. Until $500,000, the contestant can 'drop out' of the game anytime, but at the $1,000,000, they can only see the final category, which will always be a 5th grade category. Should they choose to go on, they cannot drop out and would therefore be risking $475,000 on the million-dollar question. To date, 2 contestants have answered the million-dollar question correctly, and 7 have walked with $500,000.For more information, see the Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader article at Wikipedia using this link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Are_You_Smarter_Than_A_Fifth_Grader%3F/. Or, go to http://www.wikipedia.org/ and type in "Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader?" (no quotes) in the text box. Also see http://www.answers.com/topic/are-you-smarter-than-a-fifth-grader/.
They will send a co officer to find out why your missing so much school and if they think your guilty they will fine you and if you don,t pay it you could go to jail for a certain amount of time. I,m a 6 grader but i am far smarter than the average 6 grader in fact most of the stuff i know i didn,t learn from school
actually yes u can! just go to fox.com and look for smarter than a 5th grader(:
because the show is "Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader?". Any grade higher wouldn't go with the name.
Well you can go to the website "areyousnarterthana5thgrader.com" and you can look on there. You can register -basketballgirl4463
The Lyrics are: Are you smarter than a fifth grader? 'Cause there's gonna be a test later Teacher Teacher now we're back in school, are you smarter than you used to be? Are you smarter than a fifth grader? Grab a pencil and a piece of paper Teacher Teacher now we're back in school, so are you smart enough for the fifth grade?
go 2 the website...or type the show name in google then once u get to the website look around i bet ull find it.
i`m a fifth grader and you are smarter than me turtles can go as far as they want.
Like every other game, you have to use a regular DS instead of a DS lite to go without the backlight.
Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader is a television show on FOX. In this show, adults play the game to see if they are smarter than a fifth grader. They have categories on the screen from 1st-5Th grade like Math, Geography and other school subjects also like Reading. They choose the category they want and they try to get the answer to that question. When playing, the contestants have a 5th grader on their side, who also answer the same exact question. The contestant has three "cheats", which will help them if they are stumped on a question. They are peek (look at the 5Th grader's answer), copy (must go with the 5Th grader's answer), and save. Their save kicks in if they answer a question wrong but the 5Th grader. Each question that the contestant answers correctly, will earn them money. Once they reach the $25,000 level, they cannot leave with less than that. The final question is the million dollar question. If they choose to see the million dollar question, they cannot drop out and must answer. The show is hosted by Jeff Foxworthy.And that is are you smarter than a fifth grader
Follow this link and then click on the "Classroom Club Challenge" picture underneath the trivia game. http://www.fox.com/areyousmarter/
He goes to my school!!! Hes in my homeroom we are really good friends hes cool so is Brody but i am not sure they would like strangers knowing what school they go to SORRY!!!
Sorry haft to be 18 or you can not go on
you can ask several different hypothesis go to hypothesis.com