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type on Google code-x svr 2008 ders some codes 4 07 2 hav fun!!!

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Q: Where could you get action replay codes for smackdown vs raw 2008?
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Related questions

What are all the action replay codes for sapphire?

There was a gba action replay that was released 3 years ago and u could not put codes on it. sorry.

What are some Pokemon LeafGreen action replay v 3.3 codes?

There are various different cheat codes for Pokemon Leaf Green that you can use with Action Replay v 3.3. You could find a database of these codes online.

How do you use action replay without an action replay disk?

You need the Action Replay DS to use the codes on your games. If you mean by putting codes onto your DS without typing it in, you can use the Action Replay Code Manager to manage, add, delete, and transfer codes onto your Action Replay. You can get more information on the Action Replay here: none of this is helpful for the person how wrote it

Say if you download Pokemon pearl onto your r4ds and you also have a ds action replay could you use it?

The R4DS already has action replay built into it so you can use AR codes without the need of an Action Replay chip.

What Pokemon can you get with an action replay?

With the appropriate codes, an Action Replay can get you any Pokemon that exist in your game and its predecessors (For instance, in Emerald you could get all the Pokemon in Emerald and the games before it)

I've tried everything but my Action Replay DS doesn't detect the game. Why?

there could be a few reasons for it. one is that the action replay does not have the game in its game roster,and another is that if you started a new game on a ds game while the action replay was in the ds, then it deletes the codes from the action replay and you have to get all of the codes all over again. i figured the second one out the hard way.

Can someone make Pokemon platinum codes?

you could go to and request a code for action replay

How do you enter cheat codes for Pokemon platinam?

with an ar(action replay) wich you could buy at gamestop

I have an action replay and i was wondering if anyone could give me codes for Pokemon pearl finalfantasyIII supercollapse3 and Pokemon platinum thank you?

Pm me for a Link to some great Action Replay Coding Websites.

How do you add codes for white version?

you cant not even for black it freezes the action replay dont use your action replay on any of those two games because your game data could be gone wait till a new ar (action replay) comes out or just play without action replay bye bye

Does action replay work for all games?

Yes, the Action Replay should work for all games. Some games, however, have little to no codes. You would have to wait for an update from Codejunkies, or you could create your own codes by using the "Trainer's Toolkit", which can be bought on Codejunkies.

How do you put Pokemon White on action replay?

You insert the Pokemon White card into the Action Replay on the top of it. Make sure that you could see the sticker of the card from the back of the DS. (Like when you shut the DS you could see the sticker of the card sticking out a little bit.) I must warn you not all codes work for Pokemon White and plus they may freeze your game or worse.