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you cant

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Q: Where can you turn fossils into Pokemon on Pokemon HeartGold?
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Which fossils can you get in Pokemon HeartGold?

omanyte and anorith and aerodactyl

How do you find fossils in Pokemon HeartGold?

You use rock smash and can sometimes find fossils.

Where do you change fossils in to pokemon in heartgold?

Pewter mueseum :D

Where to turn fossils into Pokemon in Pokemon firered?

i think you have to give the fossils to the museum in pewter city

Where do you turn in fossils in Pokemon platinum?

You turn in your fossils to the scientist inside the museum of Oreburgh City.

When can you turn fossils into Pokemon on Pokemon Pearl?

Oreburgh Town

Why can't you turn fossils into Pokemon on Pokemon pearl?

got to orebrough city mining meuseum and talk to the person on the right behind the counter and she will turn the fossils into Pokemon for you

Who do you give the fossils to in Pokemon HeartGold?

You give it to the scientist in the Pewter City Museum. He is at the right of the room. You can walk out of the building and directly back in to retrieve your Pokemon from him.

Where do you turn your fossils into Pokemon in Pokemon Blue?

At Cinnabar Island there is a Lab. Someone there will extract them.

Were do you turn fossils into pokemon in diamond version?

In Oreborough City you can turn fossils into Pokemon. There'll be this little museum in the city, where you give your fossil to the man at the counter and you get back a Pokemon. However, you need an open space in your Pokemon rack for it to work

Where do you restor fosols in Pokemon HeartGold?

in pewter city, the museum has a guy that will restore fossils your mother(sry i mean your father)

Where do you get helix fossils in Pokemon SoulSilver?

You can only get the Helix Fossil in Pokemon HeartGold. This means that to get an Omanyte or Omastar in SoulSilver, you must either trade for one or trade for a Pokemon holding one.