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GameStop is a place where you can trade in games and consoles for store credit

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Q: Where can you trade in consoles?
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Can you trade consoles with eb games?

yes you can

Does play n trade fix consoles?


Does play n trade fix games?

Yes Play N Trade Fixes Game And Fixes Game Consoles.

What can you trade for a ds lite?

You'll have to trade in games/consoles for cash/credit at the store you want it from. It's not just as simple as trading DS for DS.

How much trade in value will you get for Mortal Kombat vs dc universe at gamestop?

about $20 for all consoles

Can you tarde in your console for cash at game?

As Far As I Know You Can I Think You can trade in a gamecube for 19.99 pounds and a Nintendo wii for 120.00 pounds I don't know the other priced of consoles!As Far As I Know You Can I Think You can trade in a gamecube for 19.99 pounds and a Nintendo wii for 120.00 pounds I don't know the other priced of consoles!

How much will you get in game for a ps2?

On January 14 2011 they Sold reconditioned PS2 consoles for under $40 at Gamestop and might have a surplus of PS2 consoles and not even take yours. Maxim would be $20 toward games for trade in.

Can you trade in your xbox 360 for an 360 elite?

no but if you put in few old games and/or a few old games consoles and you may just get it

What cable do you use to trade Pokemon between sapphire and blue with both consoles being Game Boy Advance SP?

the wireless adapter

How much will you get if you trade in your ps2?

Only $20-25 they are only $100 new and there are many unwanted consoles for sale as people upgrade to newer systems

Can you trade broken consoles in for new Xbox 360 gamestion?

Yes, if it is still in warranty, and you call microsoft. Give them a call at 1-800-4MYXBOX

Can 2 Nintendo ds consoles connect to each other to trade Pokemon without home internet?

Yes. DS consoles can connect to each other wirelessly using their ad-hoc wifi signals. They are short ranged, but this does not require an internet connection or a router.