

Best Answer

R4...Computer....Go Japan and get it...Bootsale...Yeh Not Much Places you can get it go japan or something its coming out in 2010 soo dont worry mate!


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Q: Where can you play Pokemon HeartGold?
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Can you play with your friend if you have Pokemon soulsilver and they have Pokemon heartgold?

Yes, you can.

Can you play Pokemon HeartGold on the dsi?


Can Pokemon HeartGold and Pokemon soul silver play on-line on the Nintendo DS?

Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver both have Wi-Fi capabilities.

How do you play HeartGold on the PC?

You can not Pokemon Heartgold is a Nintendo DS game and you can only play PC games on the PC

How do you play as other people in Pokemon HeartGold?


When can you pre-order Pokemon HeartGold?

in play

Can you play pokemon heartgold on vba?

VBA is an emulator for GameBoy Advance, while HeartGold is a game for NDS.

What character do you play as in Pokemon HeartGold?

You play as either Lyra(girl) Or Ethan (boy)

How do you get the sleeping Pokemon out of the way on the digletts cave in Pokemon heartgold?

play the Pokemon tune thingy on the radio on your pokegear

Were do you get spray duck in Pokemon HeartGold?

The only way is to throw away your Heartgold version, buy the original Red version, and play a real Pokemon game.

What is the best Pokemon you can get on Pokemon HeartGold?

There is no best Pokemon on Pokemon HeartGold.

Where is the Pokemon mansion in Pokemon heartgold?

there is no Pokemon Mansion in Heartgold.