You get it during the Halloween event every october by tricker treating.There is now a powered up version called the evolved pumkin lord armor which you get the same way.
You dont have a code for it. You have to buy a dragon fable upgrade to get dragon lord and verify it in account management
it allows you to have dragonlord class on aqw, the code is the log in details for a dragon fable account. The dragon fable account nust be a dragon lord on that game for the code to work. (you have to have a dragon amulet).
well, i do know that u can get dragon lord wings and capes in a shop on the blue and pink fairy in the east village. This is Phoenix Von Redgar signing out. My Id is:31776083 My other character's ID is:34515315.
You can only be a guardian on AQ. just like on mechquest you can only be a star captain and on dragon fable you can only be a dragon lord and on AQW you can be a member. He say right but you can be look like a guradian you buy a guardian amor and guardian blade and equip it.
It grows to adult as soon as you purchase the dragon amulet
well i don't know that but i know that you can get a free dragon amulet by defeating Sepulture 1000 times
When its Halloween
The Evolved Dragon lord armor will be released to characters with Dragon fable verified characters in the near future from the Guardian Tower. Vath's armor is a chaorrupted form of this armor.
you get it on mogloween so dnt worry its coming soon some time in october im waiting to get it 2 lol
You pay for it! (Like I did)
do his quests
You can't.
You dont have a code for it. You have to buy a dragon fable upgrade to get dragon lord and verify it in account management
on halooween go do the mongloween quest and get candy to train and get pumpkin lord armor or use cheats
You buy them from this fairy near falcon reach
Warrior, Rouge, Mage, DragonLord, DragonLord evolved, DragonLord custom, Evolved Dragonlord custom, Guardian, Ranger, Pirate, Ninja, Dread Pirate, Pumpkin Lord, Pumpkin Lord Evolved, Paladin, Necromancer, Deathknight, Pirate Monkey, Ninja Monkey, Dragonslayer, Frost Moglin, Shadowlord (Warrior, Rouge, Mage), Dragon Warrior, Dragon Rouge, Dragon Mage, Personal Gnome Steamtank and ChickenCowLord and Evolved ChickenCowLord.