You can obtain flash at bellsprout tower after beating the head sage or, buy it at the mall in goldenrod city on the fifith floor.
Any Pokemon that can learn a electric move
press it and move it
You can't it is a new move in black and white only.
Do you mean what Pokemon can learn Flash? Bellsprout can, and I think Togepi can, too.
its in the goldenrod department store in the tm corner on the 5th floor
Any Pokemon that can learn a electric move
You need to go to the pokemart in heart gold. Go to the TM floor and you will be able to bye the move flash.
i believe so it has always been a Pokemon field move
You can get it from Sprout Tower located in Violet City. You can also get it from the Goldenrod City Department Store for 1000p.
you get it from a gy
Tm 70:)
sprout tower
the department store in goldenrod
The elder gives you the TM Flash after you defeat him.
flash isn't a HM but a TM and you can purchase it at goldenrod city super store thing
You can't make a cave disapear. You can light up caves with flash, and that's about it.