Crunch can only be learnt through leveling up. Before getting the National Dex the only Pokemon you can find that learns it is Nidoran/Nidorina, after that Girafarig, Steelx. Snubbull/Granbull, Houndour/Houndoom, Raikou and Larvitar/Pupitar/Tyranitar.
Crunch has never been a TM move...
the move deleter is right of the Pokemon gym in fuchsia city.
Use the HM move Strength.
Crunch is not a TM move. The only way to learn it is by level up or by breeding.
Crunch has never been a TM move...
No, crunch is a dark type move and electric types weakness is ground.
Use the pokeflute.
there is no such move as stength
the move deleter is right of the Pokemon gym in fuchsia city.
Use the HM move Strength.
Crunch is not a TM move. The only way to learn it is by level up or by breeding.
There are not many glitches in Pokemon FireRed. There is one rather nasty glitch though involving roaming Legendary Pokemon. In Pokemon FireRed if a roaming Legendary Pokemon escapes battle with the move Roar it will disappear from the game rather than move to a new location.
Use the pokeflute.
The move deleter's house is next to the fuchsia city Pokemon center.
The move deleter's house is next to the fuchsia city Pokemon center.