There isn't a tm for shadow force, and shadow force wasn't invented until diamond and pearl.
A TM modifier is a code that will change a certain TM number to a different move that was not a TM. You use it for teaching moves to Pokemon that can't normally use that move. For instance you activate a code for Shadow Force TM#01 it will change TM #01 which is Focus Punch into Shadow Force! It is only of use if the code changes a TM than can be learned by ANY Pokemon.
TM 30 is Shadow Ball
You can find TM 30 shadow ball in the last floor of MT.PYRE and in the Pokemon tower
when your Pokemon likes you.
If it's the TM Thunder, then you go to the Lilygove Department store.
how do we get the TM avallanche in pokeemon sapphire version
Hydro pump is not a TM in sapphire.
A TM modifier is a code that will change a certain TM number to a different move that was not a TM. You use it for teaching moves to Pokemon that can't normally use that move. For instance you activate a code for Shadow Force TM#01 it will change TM #01 which is Focus Punch into Shadow Force! It is only of use if the code changes a TM than can be learned by ANY Pokemon.
TM 30 is Shadow Ball
TM 28 is dig
Shadow Ball is TM 30.
Yes, Tm's in Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire are re-useable
its in the national park in the very southwest corner of it behind the fence.
That would be a nincada.
You can find TM 30 shadow ball in the last floor of MT.PYRE and in the Pokemon tower
TM25 is Thunder
You can buy that TM at the game corner.