if collect green shards you well be able to trade to the hunter for leaf stones
200 Pokemon is all the emerald Pokemon to get more beat elite four and get national dex
You buy them in the Pokemon markets.
One masterball is in Pokemon emerald. To find out more go to my site called www.miquel.ning.com
in your box yes but not in party.
Pataya berries must be obtained from either Pokemon colosseum or Pokemon xd gale of darkness trade a Pokemon holding the berry to emerald then plant it to get more.
you find all the Pokemon you can in Pokemon emerald then you trade Pokemon from ruby sapphire fire red and leaf green youtube.com/iglowindadark for more information
dawn stone,leaf stone , fire stone, and many more stones and to earn stones go to the bug catching contest on Tuesday
Astonish, Absorb, Growl, Razor Leaf, Leaf Blade, and Leaf Storm is all I know but there is lots more movess that Lotad can learn.
Yes, you can duplicate Pokemon on Emerald more than once.
200 Pokemon is all the emerald Pokemon to get more beat elite four and get national dex
Pokemon Emerald, because one, it has a better legendary two, it has a more expanded Pokemon universe three, it has more Pokemon i think emerald you get sick legendarys
as far as i know you can't get evee unless you trade it over from leaf green or fire red. i am sorry i couln't be more help
When transferring or migrating from Ruby, Sapphire, Fire Red, Leaf Green or Emerald - you must migrate 6 Pokémon - no more, no less.
you can get more shiny stones underground like fire, leaf, water, moon and lightning stones, but some stones need specific places underground.
Fire Red, Leaf Green, Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire and Ruby Pinball. I bet there's more, but those are all I remember.
Pokemon Pearl is in generation IV and is in the Sinnoh region. Emerald is in generation III and is in the Hoenn region. You can catch way more Pokemon in Pearl than Emerald.
You buy them in the Pokemon markets.