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at celesic town

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Q: Where can you get dusk balls in platinum?
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How do you get all the legendary Pokemon on Pokemon Platinum?

1 master ball and a WHOLE LOTTA ultra balls AND dusk balls!

How do you get dusk balls on Pokemon Platinum?

You can buy dusk balls in Pokemon platinum at Celestic Town, Pastoria City, Solaceon Town And In the Pokemon League Mart. It costs $1000 per Ball but it is worth buying if you want to catch Giratina, Mesprit, Azelf, Uxie........

What is the best type of poke balls to use to catch azelf in platinum?

Unless you have a Master Ball to spare, Dusk Balls would work best. Timer Balls will work just as well as Dusk Balls if the fight has gone for more than 30 turns.

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Mt Coronet in Platinum, though are rare. Hint: Use Dusk Balls at night. If passes long enough, Timer Balls work...

Where can you buy poke balls like heal balls timer balls dusk balls in platinum?

You can buy them at the Pokemon mart at the Pokemon league. I buy my timer balls, heal balls, etc. at the Pokemon mart in canalave city

How do you catch azelf in platinum without the master ball?

Get his/her health into the red zone, and paralyse/put it to sleep. Then toss Ultra balls, Time balls and Dusk takes ages but keep on throwing dusk and ultra balls . soo get lots of them first .ANSWER: For uxie and azelf use dusk and ultra balls when there HP is red and they are either sleeping paralyzed poisoned or frozen and for mespirt use ultra balls and some quick balls at the start and timer balls after about 20 turns. Also shout 'gotcha' into the mic and continuously press B to have a better chance of catching them!

How can you catch mesprit in Pokemon platinum without a master ball?

Its hard, but try catching it at night when dusk balls work. hope this helps

How do you find the town where dusk balls are Pokemon diamond?

there is no town or city that has dusk balls sorry

What does eevee turn into if you give it a dusk stone in Pokemon Platinum?

It does not evolve with a dusk stone in Pokemon Platinum

Where can you get dusk balls on Pokemon platinum?

You can buy one for 1000$ at pastoria city. At the Pokemart, there's two people at the counter, buy from the one on the left.

What type of poke balls do you use to catch heatran in Pokemon platinum?

The best type of pokeball to catch heatran is the dusk ball because it has 4x the catch rate if its night or in a dark area(like a cave). Dusk Balls can be purchased in large amounts in the shop in Celestic Town. The shop is located in the most Northwestern corner of town. Dusk Balls are 1,500 Poke Dollars each.i hope that was helpful.You should use a dusk ball because it worked with me

Where do you buy Dusk Balls and Quick Balls at in Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire?

You can get Dusk Ball and Quick Balls at Fallarbor Town.