in rout 111 in the tall grass go to the middle use a acro bike and jump 5 times
you actually cant get chingling in ruby sapphire or emerald because chingling was introduced in the sinnoh after the hoenn. soz =(
You can't it was unavailable prior to generation #4 games.
Yes, Chingling does evolve. It is very hard to evolve Chingling, though. Chingling evolves by love and care, not by level.
chimecho when you increase it's happiness and grows a level
no you can find it everywhere
you actually cant get chingling in ruby sapphire or emerald because chingling was introduced in the sinnoh after the hoenn. soz =(
You can't it was unavailable prior to generation #4 games.
you cant he was in the sinnoh part of the national dex witch i have in Pokemon platinum
Yes, Chingling does evolve. It is very hard to evolve Chingling, though. Chingling evolves by love and care, not by level.
Chingling evolves if you make it really happy at night.
Chingling is #433 in the national pokedex, and it is a Psychic type Pokemon.
chimecho when you increase it's happiness and grows a level
chingling can't learn any hms.
#433 in the National Dex is Chingling. Chingling are more common in Platinum than they are in Diamond/Pearl. Chingling are on Route 211, Mt Coronet, and Turnback Cave.
In Platinum You can find Chingling in Mt. Coronet. Im Not Sure What Floor... :s
Chingling must be leveled up at night with high happiness to become Chimecho.