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You have to show different kinds of Pokemon to a guy north of cerulean city, where bill lived in blue and red, he will give you five different stones.

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Q: Where can you get a fire stone in crystal?
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In Pokemon crystal version does a poliwag evolve with a fire stone?

no it does not evolve with a fire stone.

What will you do with fire stone in crystal?

you use it to evolve certain fire type Pokemon

How do you find a fire stone in crystal?

I geted it from Alan Schoolboy.

How do you get a nine tails in crystal Pokemon?

Use a fire stone on vulpix.

In Pokemon crystal version how do you get a fire stone?

The Market in Celadon City.

What level does growlithe evolve in crystal version?

Growlithe doesnt evolve by level! It evolves by fire stone! to get the fire stone, you have to battle some trainers and get their phone number and they will call u when they find a stone to give you. you cant buy a fire stone

Where is the crystal stone?

there is no crystal stone

When does growlithe learn fire attacks in crystal?

at level 40 i still cant find the fire stone to evolve this pokeomn gosh

Where can you find fire Pokemon in Pokemon Crystal version?

one of the only and the best fire pokemon you get on pokemon crystal is Growlithe, because when you evolve it with a fire stone it evolves into Arcanine, which is pretty tough. but remember to evolve it after growlithe turns to level 34, after it learns flame wheel. and also remember that you cant evolve it without a fire stone! :)

What level does growlith evolve on Pokemon Crystal?

He can't evolve by himself. You have to use a fire stone on Growlithe, which can happen at any level.

How can you get a fire stone in Pokemon crystal version?

Get school boy Alan's number (he's on route 36).

What level do growlithe evolve in Pokemon crystal?

They don`t have a certain level you need a fire stone