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ok first, Go on BUY MODE.

Go over KIDS in the bar at the top.

Now click on the bed in the picture and i am sure there will be about 2 cribs there or somat like that

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Q: Where can you get a baby crib on the sims 3?
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Can you get a baby crib on the Sims 3 for wii?

Yes you can. You can buy it from the Shop/Catalog.

On sims 2 double deluxe how do you put the baby in the crib?

1) buy a crib 2) make sure it's facing the right way 3) click on crib 4) select the baby you wish to place in the crib

How do you get baby in sims freeplay?

In order to get babies on the game Sims "Freeplay", you will need to get married. Once the characters are married, a crib will need to be purchased. After the crib is purchased, tap the crib to begin customizing your baby.

How do you have baby's on the sims freeplay?

you need to go to infant and pick a crib and then a half hour a baby will be there.

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Yes but you have to have two sims married and buy a crib. Once you bought the crib you can just add the baby like any other sim

How do you get a baby crib on sims 2?

You go on the buy tab, then click on the 3 dots.. Then you click on the teddy bear :) Hope this helped -e

How can sims have a baby on freeplay?

You have to buy a crib in the nursery section. You have to be in level 10 and you have to be married.

Can you have a baby on sims for Playstation?

On the Sims you can have a baby all you need to do is only have three people in your family and then you kiss and kiss until it asked you do you want to have a baby and you click No or Yes for your answer. After you've done that a baby in a blue crib or pink crib should show up. If it's a pink crib it's a girl, If it's a blue crib it's a boy then wait a couple days until it grows up to be a kid and it will take the bus to school every day.

Can you get pergant in all sims games ever made?

No, Sims Bustin out you just get asked if you want a baby, click yes and it appears in a crib. No pregnacy.

How do you buy a crib on sims 3?

First, select buy mode. Next, select the kids menu and choose the crib you like.

Can you grill a baby in the Sims 3?

In the sims 3 it is impossible to kill a baby.

How do you get an alain baby on Sims 3?

You can't get alien baby's on Sims 3, only on Sims 2.