If your talking about D/P then you go to the little girl on the beach of Sunnyshore city then she will tell you that she came from far away and all that crap then youll have to beat the gym leader then talk to her again, she'll give you waterfall then you can go to victory road.
first off there is no such thing as a waterfall TM waterfall is an HM and it is located in the cave of orign in sootoplis city and can only be obtained when you enter to fight groudon/kyogre and if by some chance you miss it or ''forget' it then you will have to start the game again unless the last time you saved was before entering the cave.
You get the Iron Tail TM by going up the waterfall in Meteor Falls and then going up a ladder.
its in victory road use waterfall you see a pokeball its dragon pulse but dont jump of the ledge
TM02 (Dragon Claw) is found very deep inside Meteor Falls on route 114/115. You can get it if you know the HM07 Waterfall.
On Route 39 near the MOO MOO Farm! You are most welcome and if you need more help check these other items! TM Taunt: In the burned tower in Ecruteak! TM Earthquake: In victory road( use strength) TM Dark pulse: In victory road( use rock smash) Dragon fang: In dragon Den in Blackthorn City HM Waterfall: In the Ice path( make sure you wear a coat...lol!!! )
its in that cave at sootopolis
to get the H.M waterfall you have to beat volkner, the gym leader at sunnyshore city, and then you go north of sunnyshore city and you see jasmine a gym leader of the johto league, talk to her to get H.M waterfall.
You can find it on route 18.
The HM Waterfall, which is given to you by Jasmine in Sunyshore city
If you're talking about the TM, it's in route 18.
go to Sootopolis, then go to the cave of origin. You will find a pokeballl in there in which contains the TM Waterfall
Clair is the one who gives you the TM waterfall. He is the gym leader of Blackthorn City.
Use the TM waterfall. I think.
Look for yourself thicko!
in the victory road but waterfall is required
There will be a cave after u go up the waterfall. Go into it and the only pokeball in there is Dragon Claw Wrong! It is up the waterfall, but there is another TM up there (Iron Tail).