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Go underground with a friend at route 209 greet them 32 times then come up if you haven't already place the litte block in the hollowed tower from the karaty guy press A at the tower then you'll encounter spiritomb.

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Q: Where can you get Spiritomb on Pokemon Platinum?
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Who has spiritomb in Pokemon platinum?

there is spiritomb in pokemon black and white too.There is one person......................................................... Cynthia the champion.

Who is number 108 on the pokedex on Pokemon platinum?


What is Pokemon 108 in the Sinnoh on platinum?

spiritomb is 108

What is the best pokemon to catch on Pokemon Platinum?

Arceus or Spiritomb. It depends on who your going to fight.

Is there a way to catch Spiritomb in Pokemon heart gold?

Well i know you can get one in diamond, pearl and platinum you may need to trade a Pokemon to diamond or pearl or platinum and your friend must give spiritomb.

What Pokemon is number 108 in Pokemon Platinum?

spiritomb in the sinnoh dex lickitung in the national dex

What are the Pokemon the Cynthia has in platinum?

Cynthia has: Spiritomb Lucario Garchomp Togekiss Milotic roserade

When does a noctowl evolve in Pokemon platinum?

if you mean spiritomb a noctowl does,nt evolve. you get spiritomb at the broken tower when you talk to 35 people underground trust me.

What would happen if you get Spiritomb in platinum would Cynthia have a subsitute?

If you got your own spiritomb in platinum, Cynthia would still have her spiritomb.

How do you get a spiritomb egg in platinum?

breed a ditto with a spiritomb

Who is the Pokemon Champion in Platinum?

The champion is Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum, is Cynthia. She has various Pokemon-types. She is the Sinnoh Champion. Her Pokemon are Spiritomb, Lucario, Togekiss, Milotic, Garchomp and Roserade. In Platinum, Cynthia has a Togekiss. In Diamond and Pearl, she has a Gastrodon.

Pokemon Platinum what are thae best Pokemon?

Arceus has the best overall stats. Spiritomb has no weaknesses. It really depends on who you're fighting.