you have to by them in the city were you pick up the poke ball for professer oak
at a pokemart, its the blue building.
Pokemon and pokeballs
you can't
Pokeballs can be purchased from marts, or obtained from item balls or NPCs.
You can find ether in pokeballs. Just look for pokeballs and you will find.
You can get them in the Pokemarts. ( the blue shop)
at a pokemart, its the blue building.
Elite Four, Cinnabar Island
What exactly are you asking? -seal339
The Pokemon logo is yellow with a blue border. Pokeballs are red and white. Pokemon vary in colour. The Pokemon game from Nintendo comes in a variety of colours.
Pokemon and pokeballs
Pokeballs have been created and come with pokemon action figures but not living Pokemon.
Entering the GameShark code 01017CCF in Pokemon red/blue allows free pokeballs to be bought at the pokemart.
you can't. unless maybe you put a egg in your first slot of your Pokemon party
Actually you cannot buy any pokeballs in Pokemon volcano!
you can't