you can find it in a house by the sea town but i forget what the towns called and the house i think its close to the gym
If your already in Celadon city then you have to find a tree you can cut that has buildings inside the area that the tree will lead you to.
use Cut u get it on the ss anne
You have to get the HM01(cut) , teach it to a Pokemon and when you're facing the a tree to cut down open the Pokemon team menu and click on the Pokemon that knows cut and select the cut option. You also need the second gym badge
First teach your Pokemon cut then you must beat the 2nd gym leader now press Start and press A on Pokemon your Pokemon will be displayed choose the Pokemon you taught Cut to and press A on it a menu will show up with diffrent commands choose Cut now your Pokemon will use cut.
Naturally? No. By HM? Yes.
you get it ffrom fifth ym leader
Actually, there is such a thing as Pokemon Blue Sea version. It's a hack and it pretty much all in Spanish. As for what to do after you beat Whitney, I have absolutely no idea! I just found this version today and got to where you are and am stuck as well... I can't find cut, though it would probably help if I spoke Spanish. Good luck
Find it in the ss anne in vermillion city.
If your already in Celadon city then you have to find a tree you can cut that has buildings inside the area that the tree will lead you to.
You have to find the captain who is seasick rub his back and he will recover he will give you the HM Cut and now you can leave.
use Cut u get it on the ss anne
on the ss anne the captain gives it to you but before you can enter the captain's room you must battle your rival
You have to get the HM01(cut) , teach it to a Pokemon and when you're facing the a tree to cut down open the Pokemon team menu and click on the Pokemon that knows cut and select the cut option. You also need the second gym badge
First teach your Pokemon cut then you must beat the 2nd gym leader now press Start and press A on Pokemon your Pokemon will be displayed choose the Pokemon you taught Cut to and press A on it a menu will show up with diffrent commands choose Cut now your Pokemon will use cut.
Naturally? No. By HM? Yes.
you have to have cut and a certain Pokemon Abra then go to vermillion city and go through diggletts cave and find a house and a man will trade you mr.mime for your Abra
you dont