You can find a Mahogany Branch as a Salvage Item in the Sunken Grid area at around Difficulties 4 to 6. One good way to grab them quick is to find a mission with only one enemy. Grab as many Salvage items as possible then quit. You will keep these items after quitting. Quite efficient!
The Mahogany City gym leader is not in Cianwood. He is in the gym in Mahogany, not anywhere else.
West of Mahogany
You can find TM Thief in Mahogany Town in the Rocket Hideout
you go into the little house where you will find lance
In mahogany town where he will want help to beat team rocket there
The Mahogany City gym leader is not in Cianwood. He is in the gym in Mahogany, not anywhere else.
Mahogany Gym
Furniture Deals, Cupboard Door Hardware, and Fine More Information on Mahogany Wardrobes are all websites an individual can visit to find out information about Mahogany Wardrobes as well as where to purchase them.
West of Mahogany
The cave to the right of mahogany town.
You can find TM Thief in Mahogany Town in the Rocket Hideout
Mewtwo can be found in Mahogany Town where Pryce is.
Mothim can be found in Mahogany Town where Pryce is.
Mahogany Town is to the east of Ecruteak City
east from mahogany town and north from route 29
Yes it can!! I prefer mahogany over walnut as a dark wood because of some peoples allergies to the walnut. Best dark wood for cutting boards in my opinion is purple heart. But mahogany is cheap and easier to find. I use mahogany and maple combinations to make a great cutting board.
you can find it at gamestop and its cheap