The only actual way to get tm35 flamethrower is saving up 4000 coins at the mauville game corner.
You can find flamethrower in emerald by buying 4000 coins and buy flamethrower at the Game counter at mauville city!
Tm. 35
TM35 (Flamethrower) is located in the Abundant Shrine.
You can find flamethrower in emerald by buying 4000 coins and buy flamethrower at the Game counter at mauville city!
Tm. 35
First of all...Flamethrower isn't even a Pokemon! Flamethrower is a Pokemon move! Your Pokemon has to EARN it, by getting to higher levels. Mainly Fire-type Pokemon earn Flamethrower. Hope this helps!-JinJiAlso you can buy the HM (at least in FR,LG (the other GEN 3 games))inside the casino
You can trade a Pokemon that is holding the TM from diamond to soulsilver or pearl or platinum or you can migrate a Pokemon holding the TM from ruby, sapphire or emerald or firered or leafgreen.
NO but you can buy it from the game corner
TM 35. You can get it from Route 28, or the Goldenrod Gaming Corner
TM35 (Flamethrower) is located in the Abundant Shrine.
the only way i know to get flamethrower in emerald is in mauville city in the game corner you will need 80000$ to get it or 4000 coins good luck by????? in the fire place with teem magma
where can i find groudan in Pokemon emerald
You can find the TM Flamethrower in the Game Corner in Goldenrod city for 10,000 prize coins.