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The Daimyo Hermitaur gives a 10% chance per carve, or a 20% chance to get 2 per reward for capturing.

It also gives a 25% chance of getting 1 as the shiny item it drops. It drops this item by allowing it to finish eating, when you see it eating. It will usually eat either when you first see it, or if it runs away to heal.

The Shogun Ceanataur also gives 10% chance per carve, but does not give them for capturing. It also gives a 25% of dropping it as a shiny item. I am not sure what makes it drop its shiny though. I cannot remember.

Also G rank Hermitaurs give a 10% chance on their carve. Other than that G rank doesn't give any increased chance of getting a black pearl.

My guess would be to try any of the Daimyo Hermitaur missions. Hopefully if you don't get one for the carve/capture, you will get one as a reward for the mission. If not, just keep on trying.

The page I got this info from was the boss/miniboss carve faq. There is a lot of good info on that site. Hopefully this helps you out.

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