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You can find Altaria in sky pillar but it's rare. Also you can catch a Swablu at route 114 and evolve it at level 35.

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Q: Where can you find altaria in Pokemon Emerald?
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Where to find a altaria in Pokemon emerald?

I believe you can get it in the Sky Pillar

Where can you find dragon dance in Pokemon emerald?

You can obtain this move through an event called JR Kyushu Event..but its hosted only in Japan.Although..Altaria has this move.

Where can you find altaria in Pokemon platinum?

you can't get altaria but you can get swablu then evolve it, swablu is in route 210

Where do you find Altaria in FireRed and LeafGreen Versions?

You trade with Ruby Saphire or Emerald.

Where can you catch altaria on Pokemon Emerald?

Its rare in Sky pillar or you can evolve Swablu it is found it in Route 114 and 115

How do you make altaria evolve in Pokemon platinum?

you go to the top floor in sky pillar and altarias can be found. it is also very rare.

How do you catch altaria in Pokemon emerald?

you go to the top floor in sky pillar and altarias can be found. it is also very rare.

Where do you find altaria on Pokemon Gold?

I only know you can find a swablu in route 45

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Where to get dragon type Pokemon in emerald?

There's no pure dragon type in emerald version. Flygon is ground+dragon, Salamance and Altaria is Flying + Dragon but can be considered as dragon also. altaria can be found in the grass on the way to meteor falls. bagon which can be found in meteor falls but waterfall is required to get it.

At what level does altaria evolve in Pokemon ruby?

Altaria does not evolve.

What level does your flygon altaria and salamence learn earthquake in Pokemon emerald?

salamance didn`t learn earthquake but you can teach it using TM