in the secert tunnel by in the third big tunnel ...u will c a latter when u go further into the tunnel
Zino is in the Secret Tunnel.
Go to Rainbow Canyon (Red) and you should find him.
The problem with using Zino to attack is definitely its low Accuracy. 6 Accuracy means that it will have issues hitting... anything, without help. The game offers a solution to this, but it's covert, and not all players pick up on it. The general answer is to use Orno and Cheirus, which have the highest accuracy-boosting and evasion-cutting support effects, respectively.
A zino is the superpartner of the Z-boson.
Zino was created in 2007.
Zino Davidoff died in 1994.
Zino Davidoff was born in 1906.
Zino Vinnikov was born in 1943.
Zino's Petrel was created in 1934.
The cast of Zino - 2013 includes: Ramzy Bedia Zinedine Benchenine as Zino
Paul Alexander Zino died in 2004.
Zino Francescatti was born on August 9, 1902.