There isn't one available from the Pokemon company, but there are some people on Etsy selling playable replicas. Kind of looks like a recorder stuck inside a Pokeball. :)
You dont, you go to the radio tower in kanto and get the pokeflute sound on ur radio
Rescue the guy who's at the top of Pokemon Tower in Lavender Town and as a gift, he'll give you the marvelous PokeFlute!!
you cant get a pokeflute on crystal, you wake up snorlax by getting the radio station pokemusic i think that is what it is called, on your radio, put that on and stand next to snorlax and he will wake up and boom lvl 40 or 50 snorlax cant remember exactly. lol
fix up the kanto powerplant and u'll have all the music. find the pokeflute music and go east of vermillion and you'll find a snorlax. kill it and you can go thru digglet cave and you can get the pewter badge.
You dont, you go to the radio tower in kanto and get the pokeflute sound on ur radio
there is no pokeflute in heart gold. to wake up snorlax use the pokeflute channel on the radio
At the top of Pokemon tower you should find team rocket beat them then talk to mr fuji he will take you to his house talk to him again to get the pokeflute.
The pokeflute channel is a completely separate channel on the radio you can only tune into it in kanto put the frequency almost near the top to find it.
I'm pretty sure you can't find any flutes in Pokemon Pearl.
I believe you receive the PokeFlute as a gift/reward from an old man as a thank you for saving him from Team Rocket at the top of Lavender Town's Pokemon Tower. :) Hope this helps.
rescue mr.fugi from team rocket in Pokemon tower and there u have the pokeflute
its one of the radio stations in your pokegear. it says pokeflute
Rescue the guy who's at the top of Pokemon Tower in Lavender Town and as a gift, he'll give you the marvelous PokeFlute!!
there is no poke flut yes there is, if you got the expn card for your radio you can tune into kanto radio and one of the channels is the poke flute channel.
Well First you have to get to the kanto reigon after beating the elite 4 and go to wher the Pokemon grave yard used to be and ther will be a raidio station and u go in side and u talk to the old man on the bench and he will give you the pokeflute