you can not get regirock in soul silver but in platinum you can in a special event.
MT. Silver
In soul silver and heart gold you find it in euritik city in one of the houses
Route 28 and Mt. Silver
Luvdisc does not evolve from, or into anything.
You find that Luvdisc are holding them, you find luvdisc when you see the bubble in the water and you fish in that spot. Hope this helps.
you can not get regirock in soul silver but in platinum you can in a special event.
there isn't
Mt. Silver.
MT. Silver
Soul Silver: route 36 Heart Gold: trade with Soul Silver
You can not. There is no possible way of getting a Deoxy's in Pokemon Soul Silver.
Answer:There are no Silver Apricorns.
You find it in M.T Silver Cave
You find Moltres in Mt. Silver.
you probably can't.......