In the Silerite Mines in with the dragon tamer,
but be careful you can only get there once so remember to grab it
The oil is in the kitchen, in the inn in the city of Amaranthine.
Dragon age depends on how many side- quests and codexes you do and find. If you do every side-quest and codex, you will be playing for approx 130 hours. If you dont find any, youll only be playing for 50 hours.
you have to catch a dragon Pokemon holding a dragon scale
Dragon Dance can be learned by many dragon types such as Dragonite.Dragon Dance is not a TM, and can only be found on Pokemon.Try looking up the move Dragon Dance to find Pokemon that can learn Dragon Dance.
Find and activate an End portal in an underground Stronghold, and jump through it. You will find yourself in The End, where the ender dragon is flying about.
At this time, No. But the game developers have hinted she may return in a future expansion/DLC. Awakening perhaps?
The oil is in the kitchen, in the inn in the city of Amaranthine.
Find Him In Honnleath
just search in all the corners
I've added a guide to the list of sources and related links below this answer.
You can buy them from merchants, find them on defeated enemies or in chests, or sometimes pickpocket them from NPCs.
You can get it when ever you want i don't think it expires but i think its for PC only, but you gotta have to find that out for yourself.
You find her when you go to get one of the future kings more help with the election so you go to get branka
Dragon age depends on how many side- quests and codexes you do and find. If you do every side-quest and codex, you will be playing for approx 130 hours. If you dont find any, youll only be playing for 50 hours.
You find the Urn of Sacred Ashes to heal him. Start with going to Brother Genitivi's place in Denerim.
You never do, during the game itself. He will have been found alive and well, in the epilogue, after you finish the final battle of the game.
Yes, Spring Awakening was breifly on 90210. You can find video of this online.