Outside Victory Road, though they are extremely rare.
Axew, which evolves into Fraxure on Lv 38, can be found in Mistralton Cave and are common.
You'll need to get a Fraxure or an Axew and evolve it into Haxorus. You can find Axew in Mistralton Cave and you can find Fraxure outside of Victory Road on some dirt and rocks.
Fraxure evolves into Haxorus at level 48.
axew evolve into fraxure at lv.38
Fraxure evolves into Haxorus at level 48.
You don't need a stone. Fraxure evolves at Level. 48.
You can find Fraxure outside Victory Road.
Victory Road and Axew is in mistralton city.
You'll need to get a Fraxure or an Axew and evolve it into Haxorus. You can find Axew in Mistralton Cave and you can find Fraxure outside of Victory Road on some dirt and rocks.
Fraxure is a Dragon type pokemon.
Fraxure evolves into Haxorus at level 48.
Well the easiest way is evolving an Axew.
axew evolve into fraxure at lv.38
you can only get fraxure on victory road
Fraxure evolves into Haxorus at level 48.
Fraxure will evolve once it reaches level 48
level 48 fraxure evolves into haxorus